Bırge Öskende Exhibition

Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

Almaty, Kazakhstan

14.10.2022 — 23.10.2022


BIRGE ÖSKENDE / GROWING TOGETHER installation was created to honor the 15th anniversary of the Dara Charity Foundation initiative and was inspired by the foundation's philosophies and core principles.
Space, where life is celebrated.
Dirt, rock fragments, scree, and pebbles slowly
disperse and give the lush greens, grass, and trees
the opportunity and space to grow. The installation serves as a reminder that if you plant seeds of trust, every one of us has the potential for evolution
and growth.
Space for growth is the conceptual center of this installation which envelopes such ideas as humanity, kindness, and the expansion of opportunities. To fully immerse into this space, one has to become a part
of the installation rather than view it as a guest.
The concept of borders melts away, and so do
the barriers that one puts between the inner
and outer worlds. We hope that every visitor
was inspired to plant a seedling of the future
and grow together with Dara Charity